Journal of Supreme Court History, published three times a year by the Supreme Court Historical Society, is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to educating the public about the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. Originally founded as an annual publication in 1976 (and known as the Yearbook of the Supreme Court Historical Society), the Journal publishes articles written primarily by historians, law professors, and political scientists, but has also featured essays by art historians, lawyers, judges, oral advocates, journalists, and librarians.
The Journal’s readership includes scholars in a variety of fields, as well as judges, practicing attorneys, and students. Because it seeks to engage and inform scholars and non-scholars alike, the Journal of Supreme Court History values clear narrative prose and original historical research. The Journal uses photographs, cartoons, documents, engravings and oil portraits to compellingly illustrate articles.
Author Guidelines: The Journal of Supreme Court History accepts manuscript submissions on a continual basis throughout the year. Submissions are reviewed by members of the Board of Editors, and authors generally receive notification within six weeks as to whether an article has been accepted for publication. Authors are not restricted from submitting to other journals simultaneously.
The Journal welcomes submissions from seasoned scholars as well as from graduate and law students. The Journal will consider papers on any topic relating to the history of the U.S. Supreme Court and its members, although articles that are purely doctrinal, jargon-laden, or statistical tend not to be favored. In general, articles that focus on recent cases or sitting justices of the Court are not considered. There is no length requirement.
A variety of note styles are acceptable, as long as there is consistency within the article. A style sheet will be provided on request. The Journal discourages the use of extensive prose in the endnotes and requests that authors curb excessive citations. Authors are encouraged to submit a wish list of 5-7 potential illustrations; the Executive Editor handles licensing permissions and has final say over which images are published.
Editor — Ross E. Davies
Executive Editor — Clare Cushman, Director of Publications, Supreme Court Historical Society
Managing Editor — Helen Knowles-Gardner
Associate Editor – Michael A. Ross
Consulting Editor — Mark Killenbeck
Board of Editors:
Ross E. Davies, Chair
Paul Kens
Helen Knowles-Gardner
Todd Peppers
Cattleya M. Concepcion
Michael A. Ross, Associate Editor
Brad Snyder
Donald Grier Stephenson, Jr.
Melvin I. Urofsky, Editor Emeritus
Please submit articles to: Helen Knowles-Gardner, Managing Editor
Publication Ethics:
Authors are not restricted from submitting to other journals simultaneously.
Book Review Info: The Journal generally reviews four or more books per issue, typically in the form of review essays that include multiple titles, although The Journal occasionally features reviews of single books as well. If you would like to suggest a book for review, please contact Helen Knowles-Gardner.
List of Applicable Subjects:
Politics and Law
Social Science
Explore the Journal of Supreme Court History
Dive into the rich history of the United States Supreme Court with our digital collection of the Journal of Supreme Court History. Each journal issue is available in PDF format, offering in-depth articles, rare insights, and historical analysis. Click on any issue to open and download its full contents for your reading and research needs.