A Lecture by Professor Bradley Rebeiro
Frederick Douglass was a leading thinker and activist of the Antebellum and Reconstruction eras. His theories on the American Constitution were shared in lectures he delivered around the world. Join the Society for a lecture on the impact of his work then and now.
Bradley Rebeiro is an Associate Professor of Law at BYU Law School. He earned a B.A. from Brigham Young University, J.D. from BYU Law, and PhD in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame. Rebeiro’s research ranges from U.S. constitutional history to comparative constitutional inquiries. He has published, and has articles forthcoming, in top journals, such as the Notre Dame Law Review and Brigham Young Law Review. He researches the philosophy of law, as well as the influence of political thought on constitutional jurisprudence. His book manuscript, Natural Rights (Re)Construction: Frederick Douglass and Constitutional Abolitionism, investigates the constitutional thought of Frederick Douglass and its influence in the antebellum period and Reconstruction. He is currently serving as a law clerk to Judge John Bush of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.