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Supreme Court Historical Society and the Georgetown Center for the Constitution present:
The Ninth Annual Salmon P. Chase Lecture

Peter C. Myers is Professor Emeritus of Political Science, specializing in political philosophy and U.S. constitutional law, at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and is Honored Visiting Graduate Faculty at Ashland University. He earned his B.A. in Political Science from Northwestern University and his Ph.D. in Political Science from Loyola University Chicago. His Ph.D. dissertation, “John Locke on the Naturalness of Rights,” received the American Political Science Association’s Leo Strauss Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation in the Field of Political Philosophy in 1992. Professor Myers has published three books. He is author of Our Only Star and Compass: Locke on the Struggle for Political Rationality (1998) and Frederick Douglass: Race and the Rebirth of American Liberalism (2008), and is editor of Race and Civil Rights: Core Documents (Ashbrook Press, 2021). He has received fellowship grants from the Earhart Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Heritage Foundation. He has published articles, chapters, and book reviews in the fields of liberal political philosophy, American literature, and American political thought, and is currently researching a book on the idea of color-blindness in American political thought.
The Supreme Court Historical Society serves the court, the legal profession, historians and the public. The Society is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of historical information about the Supreme Court of the United States through educational programs, publications, scholarship, and the acquisition of court-related antiques and artifacts.
The Georgetown Center for the Constitution, founded in 2012, offers a variety of programs on constitutional law and theory at Georgetown Law, including lectures, faculty colloquia, public conferences, visiting scholars, post-graduate fellowships, law student fellows, and an originalism summer boot camp. All programs are designed to critically examine how best to remain faithful to the written text of the U.S. Constitution. The annual Salmon P. Chase Distinguished Lecture is published in the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy.