St. Louis, MO (Fall 2023)

Twenty-two high school students in the St. Louis area were the first to participate in a new civics education program teaching them about the federal Judiciary through a landmark Supreme Court case that originated in their hometown and local court.
“By hosting the program in the very court where a particular case began, and then immersing the students in not only the law and facts of the case but, as importantly, the people and places, the program powerfully connects students to the factual roots the case has with the students’ hometown,” said U.S. District Chief Judge Stephen R. Clark, who kicked off the national initiative at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse in the Eastern District of Missouri…
Created by the twenty-two St. Louis Hometowns students, this Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier exhibit is on display in the Judicial Learning Center at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse. The five panel display highlights the students’ learning and shares the context, judicial history, and impact of the Hazelwood case.