Puerto Rico Program Schedule, Summer 2025

Important: Please have your academic reference submitted to nmaffei@supremecourthistory.org by the application deadline: Application Closed

Program Sessions

  • Session 1: June 9-13 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • Session 2: June 16-23 (weekdays only) from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


  • “Yes, I would definitely recommend the Supreme Court and My Hometown program! This is one of the only opportunities a high schooler can get to explore a federal courtroom in such detail. I would recommend it to anyone even considering a career in a law related career.” Shivani D. 
  • “The Supreme Court program was a very valuable experience to me as I really didn’t have a good understanding of the judicial system prior to this program. Even if you don’t end up doing something law related, all citizens should have some knowledge about their government” Julia O.