A Lecture and Conversation with Professor Scott Gerber

The Supreme Court Historical Society’s Civics and American Democracy Lecture Series resumes with an in-depth look at the historical origins of an independent federal judiciary with Professor Scott Gerber.
Scott Douglas Gerber is Professor of Law at Ohio Northern University and an associated scholar at Brown University’s Political Theory Project. He received both his Ph.D. and J.D. from the University of Virginia, and his B.A. from the College of William and Mary. He clerked for U.S. District Judge Ernest C. Torres of the District of Rhode Island.
He has served on the Ohio Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights since 2008, and was appointed to the Association of American Law Schools Committee to Review Scholarly Papers for the 2018 Annual Meeting and elected to the executive committee of the AALS’s Section on Constitutional Law in 2022. He teaches constitutional law and American legal history. His books include A Distinct Judicial Power: The Origins of an Independent Judiciary, 1606-1787 (Oxford University Press) and To Secure These Rights: The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation (New York University Press).